Our specialty is to provide reliable, and regular supply of well experienced
We offer our manning services which may be tailored to suit the individual Client’s needs. In general , these are as follows :-
1. Fully manned ship : Fully manned by all
2. Lump sum basis : Instead of billing the Client the usual manning fees and actual direct expenses related to the seamen for a fully manned ship, a fixed all-in cost is charged as a monthly lump sum to cover all crew costs and wages, as mutually agreed.
3. Partially manned ship: to supply a number of Officers and seamen to complete the vessel’s complement with crew from another source as arranged by the Principal. This service is normally to Principals who have also entrusted MARINER with one or more fully manned ships, previously.
A manning contract is executed between the Company and the Client according to model agreement of the Client or MARINER, when all details such as ships crew complement, wage scale, and terms and conditions of service for the crew are negotiated and mutually agreed.
A general agreement between “Seamen Employment Control Division”/S.E.C.D representing the interests of Myanmar seamen and the Company on behalf of the Client, known as S.E.C.D. Agreement, defining their terms and working conditions is incorporated in the manning agreement after any modifications or amendments to necessary clauses which may be desired by the Client are negotiated with S.E.C.D and mutually accepted.
Mariner Enterprises Ltd. 25th Anniversary (27th. October 2003)